Welcome to the world, our baby girl, Joseay Rebekah Chaffin. She was born on November 4, 2009. She weighed 4lbs 14 oz, 18 inches long.  Birth mother and child are doing great.  The adoptive parents are in shock.

We are beyond thankful for this little girl. We've been waiting for her for a long, long time.

We are happy to be able to give her our family names. Joseay is a combination of Chris's dad and grandfather who are both named Joseph, and Curt's grandfather who is named Seay. It sounds like Jo-See. We know, we know... but she'll get used to it.

These kids are a gift from God and a gift to our entire family. They will forever be a part of our family heritage. Adoption is so crazy cool like that.

We are going to TRY and keep up with a new blog that includes both Brown and Joseay. Brown's glory days of his solo blog have come to a close. Time to learn how to share, buddy. Here's your first lesson!

link to new blog:
